Lauderdale Guitar Society

Who What Where When Why

Past Events

During the last thirty-odd years Lauderdale Guitar Society has been a platform for a number of aspiring young players. Many of these guitarists have moved on as professional musicians. In the past few years we have been organising a series of concerts with the title 'Guitar Society Revisted', with the aim of inviting some of these players to join us again.

The first of these was on 16th May 2006 with Martin Byatt. He played many of his own compositions from his CD, 'New Horizons'.
Concert Programme (pdf)

On 21st November 2006 the always very exciting Stephen Yates very kindly visited from Devon.
Concert Programme (pdf)

Redmond O'Toole played the 8-string 'Brahms Guitar' on
24th April 2007.
Concert Programme (pdf)

In June 2008 we held a special 25th Anniversary Concert that included Janos Agocsi, a very talented Hungarian guitarist / composer.
Concert Programme (pdf)

On Sunday April 11th 2010 Redmond O'Toole and Elizabeth Cooney (violin) gave a wonderful recital with support from Concordia Guitar Duo, Andrew Bisgrove, the Adagio Duo, and Matin Byatt and Alex Lewis.
Concert Programme (pdf)

The concert on Sunday 26th June 2011 was ostensibly a Revisited concert for Dan Gareh. He had been a regular member a dozen or so years ago and had recently set up his own recording business. In the concert he did not play the usual lion's share, due to other commitments; the larger part was played by Alex Lewis who was using this as a dry run for his forthcoming diploma examination. Other performers were: Alan Jones, who played solo and in a couple of arrangements with Martin Byatt; Martin played one of his own compositions and a piece for guitar and Piano by Luca Tieppo, with the composer at the piano; Andrew Bisgrove, Concordia Guitar Duo and Oswaldo Santos played; the latter, a newcomer who has a lovely style of composition and playing, we hope to be hearing a lot more from.
What Dan has done for us is to video most of the performances, which you can watch if you click links (V) in the programme.

On July 1st 2012 a summer concert by members took place which included music by Debussy, to celebrate his 150th anniversary. Although it was not literally a 'Revisited' concert, Concordia Guitar Duo also included music by the past member Stephen Goss, now professor of composition at Surrey University. Also playing some of their own compositions were Alex Lewis and Oswaldo Santos. Andrew Bisgrove and Alan Jones played Brouwer and Albeniz respectively.
Concert Programme (pdf)

After running a series of workshops in 2012 on writing for the guitar, attended by members of the London Composers' Forum, the concert organised for April 28th 2013 was a chance for many new compositions to be aired. It was billed as "21st Century Guitar Music" with music composed by our own Oswaldo Santos; another performance of some duos by former member Stephen Goss; plus a revisit by Stephen Yates, who is also now composing; alongside music by 3 members of LCF and 3 more established composers.
Concert Programme (pdf)

September 20th 2013 was the second of our two concerts held in conjunction with LCF (see above). This also included another visit from Stephen Yates. As Nick Hartley was unavailable, the duo Concordia was substituted by Alan Jones with Dennis Cooke. They gave a first performance of a piece by Jeremy Hilton of LCF and two other new pices were played by Dennis solo. Oswaldo Santos produced some new music for the occasion too. For more details see the Concert Programme. (pdf)

Our first concert since returning to the house after its 'transformation' (see Sunday Recitals at Hill Homes*) was on Sunday June 18th 2017. This surprisingly became a 'Revisited' concert when Jiva Housden came along to our regular meeting a few weeks before the date and played some brilliant music with a young violinist, Harti Richter. Jiva had been to our society about ten years earlier and has since become a professional musician. Regular players Alan Jones, Jim Parbury, Oswaldo Santos, Dennis Cooke and Nick Hartley (Concordia Guitar Duo) and our visitor from Hong Kong, Hinson Ng, also played. Concert Programme (pdf)












