Lauderdale Guitar Society

Who What Where When Why

Past Events


Concerts by members at Lauderdale House


In 2009, on October 4th, a concert was given by present members only: Alan Jones; Alex Lewis: Dennis Cooke and Nick Hartley (Concordia Guitar Duo); and Martin Byatt, who had become a regular member again after his Revisted Concert in 2006.
Concert Programme (pdf)

We held a Summer Concert of members on June 27th 2010.
Those playing were: Alan Jones, Alan Taylor, Alex Lewis, Andrew Bisgrove, Dennis Cooke, Janet Marsh (flute) and Nick Hartley.
Concert Programme (pdf)

October 2nd 2011 was a concert with the soprano Malmfrid Sand. Nick Hartley was the guitarist most involved as accompanyist and arranger. You can see from the Concert Programme the variety of music, although this does not show that Nick also played recorder on 'Fool on the Hill'. This piece included Dennis Cooke on guitar and Malmfrid also played the recorder! The other players were Alan Jones and Andrew Bisgrove to make up a quintet; and Alan Taylor and Oswaldo Santos playing solo.

On June 15th 2014 we held another concert by members. This included the core group of Alan Jones, Dennis Cooke and Nick Hartley, plus Oswaldo Santos, a more recent regular, with two newer members, Jim Parbury and Christian Wood, both of whom have consistently shown excellent musical abilty.
Concert Programme (pdf)

Sunday April 26th 2015
This concert was again a showcase for the more experienced members. We were up to eight players this time with the inclusion of the Andrew Bisgrove (who has been a regular performer) and Laura Bethke starting to play as another duo.
Concert Programme

Sunday September 20th 2015
A second concert this year that was initially for a performance of Schubert's Piano Sonata D568 in transcription for guitar duo by Dennis Cooke. However, Nick, the other half of the Duo Concordia, was suddenly unable to make the date. Also on the night Christian Wood was unwell but a very enjoyable concert was finally performed by our best. This time including a newcomer to the society: Matt Burgass.

Concert Programme






